4 Things To Do After a Dog Bites You
If you or a loved one has been the victim of a dog attack, contact us today.

When we think of man’s best friend, we don’t always consider that even the most docile canine can become aggressive and attack. In fact, millions of people are bitten by dogs each year causing serious harm to their health and finances. We have put together four important steps to take to protect yourself after a dog attack.
1. Visit the Doctor
Don’t try and diagnose the severity of the bite. Some bites may appear minor however, the dog itself might have rabies or another disease. The faster you receive treatment, the better.
2. Obtain Information about the Dog
There is a good chance you may not know the dog owner. The dog may have approached you on your property or you ran into the dog on a walk. Use the checklist below –the more complete the information, the better.
- The name and address of the dog’s owner. Check the dog tag, follow the dog home or if necessary, call the police.
- The name of the person responsible for the dog when it bit you. Someone other than the owner may be watching or walking the dog.
- The names and contact information for any eyewitness.
- Insurance information from the owner.
3. Take Pictures of Your Injuries
Ask a friend to take pictures from many different angles.
4. Contact a Dog Bite Lawyer
While the insurance company has plenty of experience getting people to accept low settlement offers, a dog bite attorney knows the best arguments and evidence to use to obtain a fair settlement.
If you or a loved one has been the victim of a dog attack, contact us today. We’ve been protecting Eastside families for over 40 years — so, let us protect yours.
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